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International Day of the World’s 土著 人s is celebrated annually on Aug. 9. This day is dedicated to promoting and protecting the rights of 土著 peoples around the world, 以及认识到他们独特的文化, 语言和生活方式.

今年, 我们采访了维克多·曼努埃尔·门多萨·加西亚, 土著关系领导委员会Energía, to learn about his cultural background and passion for preserving and embracing 土著 heritage.


我叫Victor,我在TC工作快10年了. 我在墨西哥担任土著关系负责人, 重点关注土著社区的参与和支持. 作为一名训练有素的兽医,拥有农村社会学硕士学位, 我为我的工作带来了独特的视角.

I am proud to be part of the vibrant Mixtecos 土著 community from Oaxaca, 墨西哥, 我长大的地方. It is an ancient community rich in history and cultural traditions that have been passed down through generations. 作为这个社区的一员, 我随身携带着这些故事, 文化和习俗定义了我们是谁.

家庭和社区是维克多生活的中心. 他喜欢为他们做传统的食谱.

家庭和社区是我生活的中心. 我的土著母亲把传统食物的食谱传给了我, 我喜欢经常为我的家人做的菜. 我有一个20岁的儿子, Anaaw (whose name means God of Thunder in Mixe – an 土著 language in 墨西哥), 最近我和我的好妻子庆祝了婚礼. 在仪式上, 与一只活火鸡跳舞是一种习俗, 富足和繁荣的象征. 也, 我提着一个装满面包的篮子, 玉米粉圆饼, 和mezcal, 把它们送给我们的客人以表示感谢. 这些仪式, 和其他许多人一样, are deeply rooted in our culture and highlight the importance of community bonds.


尽管我是土著人, 我仍然对墨西哥丰富多样的文化着迷. 全国有近70种土著语言, 每个社区都有自己独特的故事和知识可供分享. My love for 土著 cultures goes beyond the borders of my own community. 我收藏土著艺术家的作品, and I enjoy reading poetry and literature by 土著 authors to learn about their cultures and diverse ways of life. 例如, the nomadic 土著 groups in northern 墨西哥 have lifestyles vastly different from my upbringing in southern 墨西哥.

My immense curiosity and interest to learn and engage with other 土著 communities have been helpful in my role at work. I have the privilege and honour of working closely with the Tarahumara – also called the Rarámuri, a large 土著 group in northern 墨西哥 – and the Totonac – an 土著 group living in central 墨西哥. Although there have been challenges, there have also been great rewards along the way. As we gain trust and build respectful relationships with these communities, each engagement presents opportunities to learn from communities who live in harmony with their environment.

Learning about the lifestyles of other indigenous communities has been very useful for Víctor's work

International Day of the World’s 土著 人s serves as an important reminder of the value of cultural diversity and the wisdom that 土著 communities offer. 土著文化遗产不是过去的遗物, 也不局限于众所周知的玛雅或阿兹特克文明. 土著 人s are a living, breathing part of our present society who have so much to offer. Let’s celebrate and sustain the rich cultural heritage of 土著 人s, 确保他们的声音在生活的各个方面都得到倾听和尊重.